Nawgati - 2.5 Crores to 50 Crores in CNG Vehicle Businessl Shark Tank India S2 l Pitches

Nawgati is a newly introduced venture that aims to provide a stable balance in finding out the solutions to the issues faced by both the consumer and the company. The main products that the company caters to is the Nawgati fuelling app and the Aaveg Dashboard. The fuelling app provides in the required information about the nearest stations for fuel refilling and how much crowded it is for people to come. Aaveg dashboard provides key metrics for efficiency and safety through subscription model. Now it would be exciting to know whether the sharks would be interested in investing to their business. Continue watching to know what will happen in the next upcoming episodes. Stay Tuned!

Show Name: Shark Tank India
Cast: Namita Thapar, Aman Gupta, Amit Jain, Vineeta Singh, Peyush Bansal, Anupam Mittal
Episode: 38
Director: Payal Seth
Producer: Studio NEXT

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About Shark Tank India:
The Sharks are back, and India's aspiring entrepreneurs gear up once again to pitch their ideas to the panel in hopes of persuading them to invest money in their business model.

Nawgati: Fuel Recharge का Perfect Support l Shark Tank India S2 l Pitches