17 Year Old Highschool Drop Out has The Cutest Pitch - Tipayi l Shark Tank India 2 l Pitches
Meet the pitcher of "Tipayi" Prem Kaale who is here to address the problems of child cycling. A patented Made In India wooden bicycle which helps children to learn cycling in 3 stages. This special innovative design helps children to learn balance from day one of cycling. And sharks find it "incredible". Stay tuned for more! Watch now.
Show Name - Shark Tank India
Ep no. - 31
Star Cast - Namita Thapar, Aman Gupta, Amit Jain, Vineeta Singh, Peyush Bansal, Anupam Mittal
Director: Payal Seth
Producer: Studio NEXT
#SharkTankIndia #NamitaThapar #AmanGupta #AmitJain #VineetaSingh #PeyushBansal #AnupamMittal #SETIndia #शार्कटैंकइंडिया #Pitches #SharkTank #FullPitch #Novelty #Business #Youth #Entrepreneur #new #ashneergrover
Click here to Subscribe to SET India: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpEhnqL0y41EpW2TvWAHD7Q?sub_confirmation=1
About Shark Tank India:
The Sharks are back, and India's aspiring entrepreneurs gear up once again to pitch their ideas to the panel to persuade them to invest money in their business model.
Click here to watch the full episode of Shark Tank India S2:
Click here to watch all the Pitches of Shark Tank India 2:
'"Tipayi" का Cute Demo देखकर Sharks भी लगे खिलखिलाने! l Shark Tank India 2 l Pitches
Show Name - Shark Tank India
Ep no. - 31
Star Cast - Namita Thapar, Aman Gupta, Amit Jain, Vineeta Singh, Peyush Bansal, Anupam Mittal
Director: Payal Seth
Producer: Studio NEXT
#SharkTankIndia #NamitaThapar #AmanGupta #AmitJain #VineetaSingh #PeyushBansal #AnupamMittal #SETIndia #शार्कटैंकइंडिया #Pitches #SharkTank #FullPitch #Novelty #Business #Youth #Entrepreneur #new #ashneergrover
Click here to Subscribe to SET India: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpEhnqL0y41EpW2TvWAHD7Q?sub_confirmation=1
About Shark Tank India:
The Sharks are back, and India's aspiring entrepreneurs gear up once again to pitch their ideas to the panel to persuade them to invest money in their business model.
Click here to watch the full episode of Shark Tank India S2:
Click here to watch all the Pitches of Shark Tank India 2:
'"Tipayi" का Cute Demo देखकर Sharks भी लगे खिलखिलाने! l Shark Tank India 2 l Pitches