क्या बच्चों को इन्साफ दिला पाएगा Rama? | Weekly ReLIV | Tenali Rama | Episodes 49 - 54

Weekly ReLIV is a special compilation of the week’s episodes and is created to give the viewer a feel of the show’s story and it’s high points. The weekly ReLIV here is created especially for the viewers who have missed the week’s episodes and would like to catch up on the plot of their favorite shows. Watch the Weekly ReLIV of Tenali Rama Season 2 of the episodes from 10 Feb 2025 To 15 Feb 2025.

Show Name – Tenali Rama
Star Cast – Krishna Bharadwaj, Pankaj Berry, Aditya Redij, Nimisha Vakharia, Priyamvada Kant, Sumit Kaul, Shreya Patel, Aria Sakaria, Ahnaf Khatri, Trishaan
Season - 2
Episode No - 49 - 54
Produced By - Contiloe Pictures Pvt. LTD

#TenaliRamaOnSonySAB #TenaliRama #SonySAB #NewShow #NewShowAlert #SneakPeek #IndianTelevision #Entertainment #Hero #IndianHeritage #IndianHistory #IndianHero #Drama #Comedy #Fun #vijaynagarkakalaprem #Tenalirama2.0 #tenaliramaseason2

About the show:
Two years after his banishment, a visit from Goddess Kali, warning him of the danger that looms over Vijaynagar, spurs Tenali Rama into returning to the kingdom. However, in a land where the king and the people have lost their trust in him, Tenali's journey is filled with obstacles. Can he rise to the challenge and save Vijaynagar from the brink of disaster? 'Tenali Rama' stars Krishna Bharadwaj, Pankaj Berry, Aditya Redij and Sumit Kaul.

Click here to watch all the Weekly Reliv episodes of Tenali Rama:

क्या बच्चों को इन्साफ दिला पाएगा Rama? | Weekly ReLIV | Tenali Rama | Episodes 49 - 54