Dark Past से कैसे पड़ा एक Bright Future पे अँधेरा? | Crime Patrol 2.0 | Full Episode
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Show Name: Crime Patrol 2.0
Episode: 107
Producer: Anup Soni, Shamael Khan
The Police receive a call about a someone being found in a forest in Pune. They arrive at the crime scene to find clues and shreds of evidence. As they begin the investigation, they find out that the girl's name is Sakshi and she had a dark past. Things start to get complicated as certain incidents unravel. Will this past help the police solve this crime? Who could be the culprit behind this? What will happen next? To know more, watch the episode now.
#crimepatrol #क्राइमपेट्रोल #setindia #क्राइमपट्रोलसतर्क #crimepatrolsatark #crimepatrol #crime #thrillers #CP #क्राइमपैट्रॉलसतर्क #livcrime #crimepatroldastak #crimepatroldial100 #anupsoni #crimepatrolsatark #crimepatrolfullepisode #crimepatrollatestepisode #crimepatrolnewepisode #crimepatroldial100 #crimepatrol2024 #crimepatrolserial #crimepatrolbestepisode #crimepatrolsony #crimepatrolnewepisode #bestcrimepatrolepisode #crimepatrolmostpopularepisode #क्राइमपेट्रोल #crimepatrolcases #crimeworld #crimeworld2025 #crimeworldnewepisode #crimeworldbestepisode #crimeworldfullepisode #indiancrime #indiancrimestories
Click here to watch full episodes of Crime Patrol 2.0:
About Crime Patrol 2.0:
Crime Patrol 2.0 is the New Crime Patrol series wherein our objective is to tell our viewers about the crime which happen/May happen around them. One of the data suggests most of the crime which happens in our country is done by people whom the victims already knew and our purpose is to depict those stories where crime has been done by someone close to the victim. Our show communicates the message to be aware of the surroundings we live in so that we do not fall prey to such evil-minded people.
Dark Past से कैसे पड़ा एक Bright Future पे अँधेरा? | Crime Patrol 2.0 | Full Episode
Show Name: Crime Patrol 2.0
Episode: 107
Producer: Anup Soni, Shamael Khan
The Police receive a call about a someone being found in a forest in Pune. They arrive at the crime scene to find clues and shreds of evidence. As they begin the investigation, they find out that the girl's name is Sakshi and she had a dark past. Things start to get complicated as certain incidents unravel. Will this past help the police solve this crime? Who could be the culprit behind this? What will happen next? To know more, watch the episode now.
#crimepatrol #क्राइमपेट्रोल #setindia #क्राइमपट्रोलसतर्क #crimepatrolsatark #crimepatrol #crime #thrillers #CP #क्राइमपैट्रॉलसतर्क #livcrime #crimepatroldastak #crimepatroldial100 #anupsoni #crimepatrolsatark #crimepatrolfullepisode #crimepatrollatestepisode #crimepatrolnewepisode #crimepatroldial100 #crimepatrol2024 #crimepatrolserial #crimepatrolbestepisode #crimepatrolsony #crimepatrolnewepisode #bestcrimepatrolepisode #crimepatrolmostpopularepisode #क्राइमपेट्रोल #crimepatrolcases #crimeworld #crimeworld2025 #crimeworldnewepisode #crimeworldbestepisode #crimeworldfullepisode #indiancrime #indiancrimestories
Click here to watch full episodes of Crime Patrol 2.0:
About Crime Patrol 2.0:
Crime Patrol 2.0 is the New Crime Patrol series wherein our objective is to tell our viewers about the crime which happen/May happen around them. One of the data suggests most of the crime which happens in our country is done by people whom the victims already knew and our purpose is to depict those stories where crime has been done by someone close to the victim. Our show communicates the message to be aware of the surroundings we live in so that we do not fall prey to such evil-minded people.
Dark Past से कैसे पड़ा एक Bright Future पे अँधेरा? | Crime Patrol 2.0 | Full Episode