Saraswati Ka Sahara | Pukaar - Dil Se Dil Tak - Ep 7 | Full Episode

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Episode 7: Saraswati Ka Sahara
Vedika rushes her mother to the hospital when she gets a heart attack. Rajeshwari ruins the prasad prepared by Saraswati in order to break her spirit. Meanwhile, Vedika, Saraswati, and Koyal arrive at a temple together. Will the three of them be reunited?

Show Name: Pukaar - Dil Se Dil Tak
Cast: Sumukhi Pendse, Mishika Popat, Vimarsh, Abhishek Nigam, Anushka Merchande, Garima Vikrant
Episode: 7
Producer: Prateek Sharma

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About Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak
Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak brings story of a woman and her two daughters are separated from each other due to an evil man's sinister plan. Through the complex web of lies, betrayal, murder and a forbidden romance, can the sisters reunite with each other and their mother to avenge the death of their beloved father and husband? 'Pukaar' stars Sumukhi Pendse, Sukhada Khandkekar, Karan Veer Mehra, Vimarsh Roshan, Pankaj Bhatia, Mishika Popat, Mayanshi Verma, Hanish Kaushal, Abhishek Nigam and Sayali Salunkhe.

Click here to watch the full episode of Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak

Saraswati Ka Sahara | Pukaar - Dil Se Dil Tak - Ep 7 | Full Episode