Patil Family के Members एक-एक करके कहाँ हो रहे हैं गायब? | Crime Patrol 48 Hours | Real Stories

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Sarita Patil, a woman from Pune, gets lost from a shrine. A few hours later, the remaining Patil family members are nowhere to be found. Can the person causing these incidents be found by the police? How are the cops going to resolve this case? Now, how will the cops respond? What takes place after that? Watch this episode to find out more!

Show Name: Crime Patrol 48 Hours
Episode: 3
Producer: Credence Studio, Pictionary Players, Debros Entertainments, Camsklub

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About Crime Patrol 48 Hours:
Without a major breakthrough within the first 48 hours of a crime, the chances of solving it are cut in half. 'Crime Patrol 48 Hours' follows the police who combine quick thinking, exceptional detective work and seamless coordination as they chase down leads to capture the culprit within a short span of 48 hours.

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Patil Family के Members एक-एक करके कहाँ हो रहे हैं गायब? | Crime Patrol 48 Hours | Real Stories